

The Best Lawyers ranking recognizes nine lawyers from Thomás de Carranza Law Firm.

  • Since 2013, the law firm’s attorneys have been on the list of those highlighted by the profession

The Best Lawyers ranking has included nine lawyers from Thomás de Carranza Law Firm in its latest edition of 2024. This is the largest number of professionals at the Madrid firm since Santiago Thomás de Carranza, managing partner of the firm, was recognized in 2013.

On this occasion, real estate law specialist Victoria Terleira enters the ranking for the first time in the Ones to watch category. This section highlights the lawyers that should be followed due to their professional projection. Also in this ranking are José Luis Alonso and Marta Caldevilla, selected in their corresponding specializations, tax and real estate law, respectively.

The other members of Thomás de Carranza Abogados included in the ranking are present in the following categories Best Lawyers where they renew, one more year, the recognition of the profession: Cristina Simón (tax and arbitration and mediation), Iñigo Sánchez del Campo (real estate law) and Santiago Thomás de Carranza (arbitration and civil litigation), partners of the firm; Rafael Truan (telecommunications and mergers and acquisitions); José Leandro Martínez Cardós (litigation, administrative and labor) and María Gomes Sousa (labor).

Best Lawyers is an international directory that recognizes the best lawyers categorized by specialty, firm and city. In its 2024 edition it reaches 196 “Lawyers of the Year”(Lawyers of the Year) practicing in more than 100 prestigious Spanish law firms; from large firms, legal services companies or family law firms, among others.

Thomas de Carranza Abogados is a law firm specialized in real estate management, litigation, mergers and acquisitions and dispute resolution in Spain and abroad. Founded in 2003 by Santiago Thomás de Carranza, it has more than thirty professionals.

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