

Thomás de Carranza Abogados strengthens its litigation area with the incorporation of Borja Sabater and Demófilo Vitorique.

  • They come from Uría Menéndez and Legalitas, respectively.

Thomás de Carranza Abogados strengthens its litigation and arbitration area with the incorporation of Borja Sabater and Demófilo Vitorique.

Borja Sabater holds a degree in Law and Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has spent most of his professional career in the Litigation Department of the firm Uría Menéndez, specializing in Administrative Litigation and Civil Litigation.

He has participated in all types of litigation in contractual and extra-contractual matters, corporate, banking, bankruptcy, competition law.

He has also worked at Clifford Chance and Dac Beachcroft.

Demófilo Vitorique holds a degree in Law from the University of Cadiz and a Master in Business Law from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Postgraduate degree in Legal and Forensic Practice from the Cádiz Bar Association.

Throughout his career he has practiced law in his own office in Cádiz and, later, at Legalitas ‘ headquarters in Madrid. Until his incorporation to Thomás de Carranza He worked at Rodríguez Devesa & Asociados as a litigation lawyer.

Demófilo Vitorique has extensive experience in the areas of Litigation, Arbitration and Economic Criminal Law. He has participated in contractual, tort, real estate, corporate, banking and criminal litigation.

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